

Zazu Dreams: Between the Scarab and the Dung Beetle, A Cautionary Fable for the Anthropocene Era   Viscous Expectations: Justice, Vulnerability, The Ob-scene
A fable for adults, Zazu Dreams: Between the Scarab and the Dung Beetle, A Cautionary Fable for the Anthropocene Era is a tale of decolonization and climate justice. Past, present, and future overlap through phantasmagorical encounters with historic heroes such as Spinoza, Rachel Carson, Jacques Cousteau, and Harriet Tubman and 21st century villains like NestlĂ©, Merck, Exxon, and Monsanto—Big Pharma, Big Oil, and Agribusiness giants that stalk the planet. hello Orchestrating text and color photography through the lens of vulnerability, Viscous Expectations: Justice, Vulnerability, The Ob-scene explores embodied democracy as the intersection of social ecology, permaculture, technology, aesthetics, eroticism, and ethnicity. Alhadeff demonstrates the potential for social resistance and a rhizomatic reconceptualization of community rooted in difference—and a socio-erotic ethic of ambiguity that disrupts codified normalcy.
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Harvard Divinity School’s Program for the Evolution of Spirituality Inaugural Conference on Ecological Spiritualities, “Indigenous Wisdoms, Reclaimed Action: Love Lessons from Zazu Dreams”

Big Bold Jewish Climate Fest, “Jewish Ecological Thought: Sacred Activism as Biophilia”

Seventeeth Conference on Current Pagan Studies, “Spiritual Intelligence: Embodied Energy and the End of Consumer-Waste Culture”

American Academy of Religion/Western Region—Education and Pedagogy Unit, “A Guide to Critical Pedagogy (in case you are Perplexed—A Nod to Maimonides)”

American Academy of Religion/Western Region—Ethics Unit, “Indigenous Wisdoms, Reclaimed Action: Love Lessons from Zazu Dreams”

American Academy of Religion/Western Region—Islamic Unit, “Sacred Activism: Ancient Islamic Practices for Contemporary Crises”

American Academy of Religion/Western Region—Jewish Unit, “Jewish Ecological Thought: Sacred Activism as Biophilia”