Cara Judea Alhadeff, PhD

That such disruption and interrogation can be accomplished within the regime of an almost formalist beauty (…) is just one of many moments in which Alhadeff shows that she thinks through the senses as well as the mind. Hers is a sensuous, as well as ruthless, intelligence (…) —Sarah K. Rich, Uncanny Congruencies alumni exhibition catalogue, Palmer Museum of Art, State College, Pennsylvania, 2013.
Alhadeff’s work is a fascinating fusion of art and scholarship. Intricate theoretical text is paralleled by unexpected photographic imagery – sensuous, enigmatic, and layered. The book extends into new and fluid realms the still valid idea that ‘the personal is political.’ Intellectually rigorous and aesthetically daring, the book is hard work, and worth it —Lucy R. Lippard, endorsement for Viscous Expectations: Justice, Vulnerability, The Ob-scene (Pennsylvania State University Press, 2014).