Zed Books, Researching sex and sexualities: methodological reflections, Forward by Andrea Cornwall, Afterword by Ken Plummer, University of Sussex, UK

Women, Violence, and Resistance, edited by Hagar Ben Driss and Meryem Sellami, University of Tunis, Tunisia, pp. 2-24

University of Edinburgh, Deleuze and Sex, edited by Frida Beckman

Philosophy Today, Editors David Pellauer and Maria Margaroni, Summer 2012

Intimate Citizenship and Competing Sexual Rights Claims and Justice in the 21st Century, Special Issue: Journal of the International Network for Sexual Ethics & Politics (INSEP), “Embodied Theory as Intimate Citizenship,” University of Ghent, Belgium

Rhizomes, Issue #23, “Practicing the Abject: Deleuze and the Analog Uncanny,” essay #12

Bozzetto Anniversary Issue: Stimulus, “Tasting Korea,” Germany, 2016

Divyadaan: Journal of Philosophy and Education, ed. Romero Dsouza, Salesian Monastery – Ratisbonne, Jerusalem

Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture, “The Meat Issue,” Tate Gallery, London, pp. 27-40

borders/debordering: Towards a New World Culture of Hospitality, Institute for Philosophical Studies, Science and Research Center, University of Primorska, Slovenia

Art Basel Miami, 2010 Volume One

5th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Emotional Geographies, “Je Suis Juif/ I Am Moslem,” University of Edinburgh, Scotland, June 10-12.

Erotic in Context: The Gender and Sexuality Hub, ebook, eds., M. Soraya García-Sánchez, Cara Judea Alhadeff, and Joel Kuennen, Inter-Disciplinary Press, Salzburg, AU, pp. 1-33



Mother Pelican ~ A Journal of Solidarity and Sustainability, January-April 2021